City of Burr Oak
Welcome to Burr Oak!
As the City of Burr Oak gears up for its 150th birthday celebration in 2021, beautification projects are beginning to take shape. With a variety of projects throughout the town, the huge, unkempt wall on the side of a building on Highway 128 was next on the list to be transformed.
The Jewell County Community Foundation awarded the City of Burr Oak $5,638 from the Jewell County Community Fund and Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund to hire artist Callum McNichols for this project. The main body for the mural was completed by McNichols and he left the accompanying barn quilts for the rest of the community to paint.
"In addition to boosting the morale of the town's residents, hundreds of people annually drive by and can't help but have a more positive attitude about the state of our small town. This project would not have been possible or accomplished at all without the generous support of this grant," said grantee Jessica Barnes.